Be professional.
An invoice should generally be one page, and either be a clean, printed sheet of paper or an electronic copy delivered via email (bonus points for doing both!). Download Sample Invoices Here.Be clearly identified with your company.
A strong invoice has your company’s logo at the very top (or your company name in a large font if you don’t have a usable logo). And be sure to include your address, phone number and website URL so they can easily contact you with any questions.Be easy to read.
A computer-generated or typed invoice is almost always easier to read, but a handwritten bill that is highly legible can also work.Be detailed.
The invoice should clearly identify and itemize the work that was done, materials used and what is to be paid, as well as deduct any deposits that have already been put toward the total cost.Be call-to-action-oriented.
Just because it’s an invoice, you can’t assume that your customer will know the best method to pay you or the deadline for submitting payment. So be clear (ie, “Payment can be submitted via credit card or check. If paying by credit card please call 888-555-1234; if paying by check make it out to “Our Company” and mail it to PO Box 1234. Payment is due 14 days from invoice date.”)